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Instant Playback


If you haven't set any conditions for your macro, you can just click on the Play button to instantly play your macro!


The page on which you started recording will open in a new window, and your actions will be replicated in that window.


Playing Macros

Delayed Playback


If you want your macro to activate at a certain time, you can fill in the Trigger Time form on the Parsnip interface.


Then, press Save with Conditions to apply your conditions.


Scroll back up to the top of the panel and press Play. Parsnip will alert you to how many seconds it will wait before playing your macro.

Repeated Playback


If you want to automate a repetitive task, you can use Repeated Playback.


After you've recorded your macro, set the Repeat Interval at the bottom of the Parsnip interface in seconds.


Then, click Play with Repeat just beneath that, and Parsnip will play your macro at set intervals.


To stop automatically repeating playback, just click STOP REPEATING.

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